
Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Some usefull Islamic Finance related links

First Takaful Insurance Company

 The International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) was set up by the central bank of Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia, to produce professionals for the global Islamic finance services industry.

Centre For Islamic Economics (CIE) aspires to be a premier institution promoting the guidelines of Islamic Economic System by extending professional training facilities, organizing international conferences and undertaking research to enable the economic, financial and banking activities to conform to Shari'ah.

The Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) is an Islamic international autonomous non-for-profit corporate body that prepares accounting, auditing, governance, ethics and Shari'ah standards for Islamic financial institutions and the industry. Professional qualification programs (notably CIPA, the Shari’ah Advisor and Auditor "CSAA", and the corporate compliance program) are presented now by AAOIFI in its efforts to enhance the industry’s human resources base and governance structures
The Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) was established in 1401H (1981G) to undertake research and provide training and information services in the member countries of the Islamic Development Bank and Muslim communities in non-member countries to help bring their economic, financial and banking activities into conformity with Shari'ah and to further economic development and cooperation amongst them.

The Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) is an international standard-setting organization that promotes and enhances the soundness and stability of the Islamic financial services industry by issuing global prudential standards and guiding principles for the industry, broadly defined to include banking, capital markets and insurance sectors.


Islamic Finance news
Published every Wednesday, Islamic Finance news is the industry’s leading, capital markets focused e-newsletter now providing over 12,500 individuals with unrivaled editorial coverage of the global Islamic financing market.

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